Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday Thoughts on a Monday

I started organizing these thoughts yesterday, but never got around to putting them here I am spending my beautiful ONE DAY of Spring Break writing.  It's ok, I have to get it down to help me organize my thoughts, so it's worth it to me.  And besides, I will still have plenty of time to "relax" after I write.  Writing makes me feel better.  It ranks up there with painting in my world.  I wonder if others have things that make them feel like that.  Like no matter how bad things are you can always find peace in those things.  Like an outlet I guess.  For me they are writing and painting and sometimes music.

Anyways, back to the original post.  Sunday mornings.  I work at a church where I am the secretary and the Sunday school teacher/Children's Ministry Coordinator.  There are times that I love my job there and there are times that I wish I didn't have to go.  Well yesterday, I had one of those moments where I loved being at church.  The strange thing is that it was before anyone was even there.  Those are my favorite times at the church.  I enjoy the time that I am there getting the church (building) ready for the church (people).  Really I don't do much to get the building ready.  I turn on the lights and make the bulletins and get the Sunday school rooms ready.  Sometimes Ben is there getting things ready in the sanctuary.  He is usually getting the computer ready or working on his sermon or whatever he is doing I don't really know.  If I am working in my office and I open the door I can usually hear him singing REALLY loud in the sanctuary while he is getting things ready.  I love it!  It makes me feel like my church is the safest most peaceful place on the planet.  It makes me feel closer to God than almost any other time I am in that building.  In the truly quiet, restful moments.  Yesterday while I was sitting in my office waiting for the bulletins to print and drinking cinnamon roll cappucino I was thinking about how I can have more moments like that.  I don't know what the answer is for sure I guess.  But now that I know I want those moments I guess I just have to recognize them when they happen and appreciate them. 

Ok...lots of jumbled thoughts.  So now I am going to return to my wonderful one day of Spring Break.  I am putting music on my computer and watching Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family.  Haha.  I'm so cool. 

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